Monday, May 28, 2012


The Dirty Rotten Show - ep17 - 5.27.12 by TheDirtyRottenShow on SoundCloud

DP takes a DUMP live, then feeds Big B some rotten cheese (makes him puke). More embarrassing stuff. DP decides the Kate Upton video from last week it's the hottest thing he's seen on the web. And finally we review a movie that delivers a hand full of hotties, SUCKER PUNCH. Prepare yourself. This is a weird one!! Feel free to leave comments and questions. Email with any audio you might have, music or voice mail. Check us out on soundcloud. Peace BEOTCHES!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Sirens Call Publications
The best short stories to scare the crap out of yourself with. Look for stories and art by Eddie Rotten!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


WHERE TO START! Movie reviews covering Borat, Cowboys vs Aliens, Dictator, Battleship, Bruno and more. Relationship freebies including Matthew Mconohay..... is that how you spell that? Super hot Megan Fox and others. We play an interview with the most sued actor in the world, Sasha.... we can't spell his fucked up last name. More hilariously offensive sound drops. We actually PLAY followers from Soundcloud. Dirty Pete tells Big B how hot his wife is. Assignment to JIG to find the best board game from the UK. Hopefully we won't get sued for stalking him. And much much more! Have fun with this one! Until next week, peace BEOTCHES!!

The Dirty Rotten Show - ep16 - 5.20.12 by TheDirtyRottenShow on SoundCloud

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Dirty Rotten Show EP. 15

The Dirty Rotten Show EP. 15

In this episode, we open with a few giggles from Eddie Rotten and his brother Lord Micah. Dirty Pete gets his conversation on with Fanboy JIG. And Eddie Rotten and Dirty Pete wrap it up with talk about a late Mother's Day, Ipad selling a 7 inch screen in October, and some other pointless but somehow interesting stuff. Dont mind the connection, we found the problem. Dirty Pete struggles with shotty cables in our new studio, but dont worry. Thanks to our fans, we have plenty of stuff you want us to discuss on the show's to come! MUCH LOVE to our SoundCloud family and Twitter friends. So kick back and enjoy this 'sorta'short' episode of TDRS.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


The Dirty Rotten Show - ep14 - 5.05.12 by TheDirtyRottenShow on SoundCloud

With every one either out of town or unavailable, Dirty Pete calls Lord Micah to help entertain. Covering everything from getting completely hammered at the studio to blaming the tracks on heroin addicts arms on chicken pox... don't ask how they bridged THAT one together. Later in the week Dirty Pete talks to JIG via Skype. Both Jig & Lord Micah are characters in Eddie Rottens zombie blog, Zombie Life. So it's a two-fer week on TDRS! PROPS and hats off to MCA. We love you brother!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The Dirty Rotten Show Ep.13

The Dirty Rotten Show - ep13 Part 2 - 4.28.12 by TheDirtyRottenShow on SoundCloud

Eddie Rotten questions world peace. THE DUMBEST NAME to name yourself (Ron Artest). The problem of gay innuendo seems to find no end. DP shows jealously to a midget with a 6 inch Johnson, while trying to find a way to legalize prostitution.... like the secret service did (does... our bad). More funny ass sound bites, making fun of the world around us. BIG B makes DP laugh hard enough to piss himself and get naked live in the studio. And soooo much more you'll be too embarrassed to share at the water cooler. Wait.... people still drink water at work? We thought there was a national merge to vodka. Either way, have fun with it!